GRID-Arendal is hosting a stakeholder workshop on strengthening cooperation on marine litter in the Barents Sea 28 Oct 2021
Sign-ups for second round of UNEP MOOC on Marine Litter in Russian now open, supported by GRID-Arendal & partners 08 Feb 2022
Marine Litter Marine litter and plastic pollution in the ocean is affecting ecosystems, economies and societies around the world. In progress Waste & Marine Litter
Barents Sea Leadership on Marine Litter The project aims to raise awareness, promote leadership and strengthen cooperation to reduce marine pollution in the region. In progress Waste & Marine Litter
Invitation to share information on tackling marine litter and plastic pollution through Indigenous Knowledge Systems The UNEP and GRID-Arendal invite you to participate in a survey to collect information on tackling marine litter and plastic pollution Completed Waste & Marine Litter
Marine Litter in the Arctic Marine litter is found even in the most remote parts of the Arctic. In progress Waste & Marine Litter
International policy development to combat marine litter Marine litter and plastic pollution are global issues that affect the whole world. Completed Waste & Marine Litter
Waste and Marine Litter Waste and litter are a significant issue, impacting ecosystems, economies and societies. In progress Programme
The African Marine Litter Outlook Pre-Publication Event An online event to celebrate the pre-publication of the African Marine Litter outlook In progress Waste & Marine Litter
Marine litter predictive mapping This pilot project develops a shoreline map to define coastal areas with different likelihood of accumulating beach litter. Completed Waste & Marine Litter
Are you worried about plastic in your seafood? Please complete our survey to give us your views This questionnaire aims to understand your opinion on plastic/microplastic pollution in your marine ecosystem. Completed Waste & Marine Litter
UArctic Thematic Network on Arctic Plastic Pollution Marine litter is everywhere and unfortunately, the Arctic Ocean is no exception. In progress Polar
World Cleanup Day 2024 Arctic cities and marine litter—let's create a lasting impact! In progress Waste & Marine Litter
AFRIPAC: Effective Capacity Building for Global Plastics Treaty in Africa Aiming to empower 5 African nations to inform negotiations for the global plastics treaty by increasing knowledge, capacity & collaboration. In progress Waste & Marine Litter
Marine Debris Action Planner (MDAP) The Marine Debris Action Planner (MDAP) is a project funded by Innovation Norway in which GRID-Arendal and SALT are developing a service... Completed Waste & Marine Litter
Marine pollution: tackling land-based sources through multi-stakeholder action UN Ocean Virtual Side Event Date and Time: Tuesday 28th June, 1:30 PM - 3:00 PM, GMT +1 (Lisbon) Completed Waste & Marine Litter
Beach Macro Litter Monitoring E-Course Sustainable Seas Trust (SST) and GRID-Arendal are proud to announce the launch of a free online e-learning course for citizen scientists. In progress Waste & Marine Litter
Capacity development to catalyze actions and commitments at the national and global level to reduce plastic pollution including in the marine The project aims to achieve strengthened country capacity for the identification of sources of plastic pollution In progress Waste & Marine Litter
Reclaim: Finding the heart of the circular economy GRID-Arendal’s Waste and Marine Litter Program aims to produce a short film (15 minutes) about waste management in Africa. Completed Waste & Marine Litter
Media Empowerment for Global Plastic Treaty Negotiations (INC) A media initiative aimed at empowering journalists from the Global South to effectively cover the INC. In progress Comms & Outreach (General)
The African Marine Litter Outlook The African Marine Litter Outlook provides an overview of marine litter from the African perspective. 10 Jan 2023 Monograph
From Pollution to Solution: A Global Assessment of Marine Litter and Plastic Pollution Marine litter, including plastics and microplastics, is accumulating in the world’s oceans at an unprecedented rate. 21 Oct 2021 Monograph
From Pollution to Solution: A Global Assessment of Marine Litter and Plastic Pollution (Synthesis) Marine litter, including plastics and microplastics, is accumulating in the world’s oceans at an unprecedented rate. 21 Oct 2021 Monograph
Desktop Study on Marine Litter Including Microplastics in the Arctic This Desktop Study improves our understanding of the status and impacts of marine litter, including microplastics, in the Arctic region. 07 May 2019 Staff Publications
First marine litter survey on beaches in Solomon Islands and Vanuatu, South Pacific: Using OSPAR protocol to inform the development of national action plans to tackle land-based solid waste pollution 16 Nov 2020 Staff Publications
Drowning in Plastics: Marine Litter and Plastic Waste Vital Graphics The aim of this Vital Graphics publication is to provide an overview of the current global marine litter and plastic pollution challenge. 21 Oct 2021 Vital Graphics Series
Marine Litter Vital Graphics We all contribute to this problem. Yes, all. And we need to act now if we want to avoid living in a sea of plastic by mid-century. 06 Jul 2016 Vital Graphics Series
Stop Talking Trash about Marine Litter Debunking the Myths about Plastic Debris in our Ocean 03 Jun 2018 Web Solutions & Apps
A baseline study of macro, meso and micro litter in the Belize River basin, from catchment to coast The mismanagement of waste and subsequent presence of litter in the environment is an increasingly significant problem. 27 Jan 2022
Plastic Myths – What can we do? Debunking Plastic Myths across the plastic value chain 15 Mar 2022 Web Solutions & Apps
From Source to Sea: Protecting our Ocean through Partnership and Investments Protecting Our Oceans through Partnership and Investments 31 Oct 2018 Monograph
Standing stock and daily accumulation of beach litter in KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa 27 May 2022 Staff Publications
The State of the Mediterranean Marine and Coastal Environment The Mediterranean Action Plan (MAP) was established in 1975 as a coherent legal and institutional framework for cooperation through which... 22 Jan 2013 Monograph
Global Environment Outlook (GEO-6): Healthy Planet, Healthy People GRID-Arendal staff co-authored chapters 4 (Cross-cutting Issues), 7 (Oceans and Coasts) and 14 (Oceans and Coastal Policy). 04 Mar 2019 Partner Publications
Plastic Forests? Assessing the impact of pollution on the worlds mangrove forests 20 Sep 2018 StoryMaps
Addressing Marine Plastics: A Roadmap to a Circular Economy The roadmap provides the critical actions to develop a circular economy for plastics. 15 May 2020 Monograph
A novel GIS-based tool for predicting coastal litter accumulation and optimising coastal cleanup actions We tested a GIS-based predictive model to identify marine litter hotspots in Lofoten, Norway based on shoreline gradient & shape. 22 Dec 2018 Staff Publications