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About Dave Messing
Dave Messing
Senior Expert, Waste and Marine Litter
Phone: +47 95429247

I was born in the US and grew up living next to the Long Island Sound. I've felt an affinity with the ocean ever since.

I hold a bachelor's degree in psychology with a minor in film, as well as a master's degree in global health. I wrote my thesis on sustainable actions to mitigate the impact of marine microplastics. I also served over two years with the Peace Corps in El Salvador as an agroforestry volunteer, working on nature-positive solutions in land management and alternatives to burning domestic waste. During my time there I led a film-based initiative to help create awareness on environmental issues including deforestation, pollution, recycling, and climate change.

My work with GRID-Arendal gives me the opportunity to explore various topics relevant to marine litter such as the Global Wastewater Initiative of the UN, the UNEA resolution on sustainable nutrient management, as well as further my passion for protecting the marine environment.

I am currently living on a car-free island off the southern coast of Norway. I enjoy playing the ukulele & guitar, snowboarding, hiking, and spending time with my two daughters.

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