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GRID-Arendal’s Waste and Marine Litter Program produced a short film about waste management in Africa. It lays out the possible paths forward as it relates to concepts connected to the circular economy, extended producer responsibility and a just transition for the informal recycling sector. We talked to experts, policymakers exploring different paths forward, the people on the ground working with informal waste workers every day, and the waste workers themselves. This film gives viewers a glimpse of what happens after waste is discarded, whose hands it passes through, and how we could improve the conditions and circumstances surrounding this key step, so the formal and informal recycling sectors can move forward as partners in a global circular economy.

Premiere and future screening dates

Reclaim will have its world premiere at the Pan African Film Festival in Los Angeles on Friday, the 9th of February at 3:45pm and Saturday the 17th of February at 3pm!

If you'd like more information about the film, or to screen it at an event, please reach out to Dave Messing or Olivia Rempel.