West Africa - Continuing extend continental shelves
This initiative builds on a 2014 joint submission to the UN to extend continental shelves beyond the current limit of 200 nautical miles.
This initiative builds on a 2014 joint submission to the UN to extend continental shelves beyond the current limit of 200 nautical miles.
Marine litter is everywhere and unfortunately, the Arctic Ocean is no exception.
The MASTREC project focuses on the detection of trafficking of illegal rosewood from Madagascar and illegal charcoal from Somalia/Kenya.
The ResilienSEA project aims to enhance the scientific expertise and management of seagrass meadows in seven West Africa countries.
The project delivers products of Earth Observation data to understand and monitor changes to ecosystems.
Sustainable management of marine resources and improved livelihoods at MPAs in Bijagós Archipelago.
As the population of Kathmandu increases, plastic usage and thereby waste generation is also growing
GRID-Arendal hosted an event bringing together policymakers, ambassadors, experts and civil society on marine pollution in the Arctic.
Enhancing governments’ presence at sea through the provision of low-cost intelligent technological solutions and local capacity building.
The project highlights both the challenges and the solutions for sound waste management in mountain regions.
Develop and pilot tools and approaches for area based planning in Areas Beyond National Jurisdiction (ABNJ).
Nunataryuk is a Horizon 2020 project which investigates the impact of permafrost thaw in Arctic coastal areas .
Arctic PASSION is co-developing and implementing an Arctic observations system that is tuned to the needs of diverse users.
Delivery of lectures to Master student at University in Agder
With raising global consumption patterns the amounts of waste increases, and scrupulous waste management is threatened with the illegal...
The University of the Arctic is a cooperative network of more than 170 universities, colleges, research institutes and other organizations.
This project will continue to assist with the communication needs and expert advice needed by Blue Solutions.
Environmentally sound management of household waste is one of the challenges faced by national governments and municipalities.
A media initiative aimed at empowering journalists from the Global South to effectively cover the INC.
This theme advances innovative nature-based coastal and marine climate solutions.
The FARE project is dedicated to creating the First steps towards an Assessment of plastic Risk to the Norwegian Environment.
In order to inform environmental and development policy-making processes, UNEP keeps under review the state of the world environment.
Marine litter is found even in the most remote parts of the Arctic.
Responding to the call from the UN Environment and the Global Environment Facility for innovative actions to help address climate change...
Strong governance of marine and terrestrial systems results in a healthy and productive natural environment.
IKHAPP –International Knowledge Hub Against Plastic Pollution
The Cayal and Ufoyaal Kassa-Bandial marine protected areas (MPAs) were created in 2004 in the north and 2020 in the south of Senegal.
This project works with 14 Pacific Islands Countries to finalise extended continental shelf boundaries.
Developing innovative tools to communicate using maps
The project aims to raise awareness, promote leadership and strengthen cooperation to reduce marine pollution in the region.
This project aims to provide technical support to Indonesia for the development of a Blue Carbon Market
This project aims to reinforce the fisheries’ governance in Guinea and control IUU fishing activities in its Exclusive Economic Zone.
Aiming to empower 5 African nations to inform negotiations for the global plastics treaty by increasing knowledge, capacity & collaboration.
Arctic cities and marine litter—let's create a lasting impact!
The 9,500 km2 Namibian Islands’ Marine Protected Area (NIMPA) is an iconic area of outstanding marine biodiversity.
Globally, around one million plant and animal species are now threatened with extinction...
GRID-Arendal's office is in an environmentally friendly building centrally located in the idyllic Tyholmen area Arendal
The ECOTIP project investigates ecosystem tipping points and their cascading effects in the Arctic, from melting ice to changing fisheries.
Grønn Dag er et arrangement som setter fokus på miljø og bærekraftig husholdninger
This special series of reports fills the need for targeted and timely information about environmental challenges.
This activity will develop a strategic blue carbon assessment for the West African region.
An online event to celebrate the pre-publication of the African Marine Litter outlook
A pilot study of the drivers and impacts of freshwater discharge from glacial systems in Norway and the Chinese Karakoram.
Developing a strategic roadmap to help guide the transition to circular plastic economies at local, national and global scales.
SOS-ZEROPOL2030 aims to develop a holistic zero pollution framework to guide the process towards achieving zero pollution in European seas
Sustainable Seas Trust (SST) and GRID-Arendal are proud to announce the launch of a free online e-learning course for citizen scientists.
The Mami Wata project applies and develops capacity on Integrated Ocean Management in countries of the African Atlantic coast.
Working in collaboration with the African Circular Economy Network and Footprints Africa to fill the gap.
This project builds on the “One Health” concept, which recognises that human health is interconnected with environmental and animal health.
A new project that brings together 11 research institutions from across the Arctic to study the phenomenon of “polar blue carbon”.
The project aims to achieve strengthened country capacity for the identification of sources of plastic pollution
A Rapid Response Assessment to support the Global Peatlands Initiative.
Using information from Earth Observation technology to reduce environmental and human insecurity
As part of its awareness programme, GRID-Arendal has prepared this collection of feature-rich eBook versions of selected publication...
Supporting the Interim Secretariat with the implementation of the Convention Program of Work and the organization of COP6.
The goal of the project is to strengthen knowledge management capacity and promote scaled-up learning of disseminated experiences...
Marine litter and plastic pollution are global issues that affect the whole world.
How values and human-nature relationships are affected by biodiversity loss and climate change through a study of glacierized environments.
Developing and disseminating knowledge towards enhancing wastewater management and sanitation service delivery in Africa.
Marine litter and plastic pollution in the ocean is affecting ecosystems, economies and societies around the world.
Arendalsuka is the largest political gathering in Norway and has been held annually since 2012.
Maps of seafloor habitats are important predictors of biodiversity and a key input into marine spatial planning
The network’s goal is to advance the blue forest approach in addressing climate change and meeting the SDGs
This programme focuses on leadership issues related to natural resources, strengthen leadership and management competencies and mind-set
Making European data available to support the Maritime Spatial Planning and the Blue Economy
GRID-Arendal is supporting release of the Nordic Council report "Possible Elements of a New Global Agreement to Prevent Plastic Pollution".
Focused on more environmentally responsible trail running.
Capacity development to access risks in the coastal zone associated with climate change
Mountain Talks bring together the latest perspectives on environmental & climate issues that affect the mountaineering & guiding community.
Norwegian Infrastructure for Drone-based research, mapping and monitoring in the coastal zone
The exhibition 'Plastic Action is Climate Action' was presented on MEA Day at UNEA-6 in Nairobi, Kenya.
The project will produce an Atlas of Lake Victoria’s Changing Environment, including training for local experts to create similar atlases
GRID-Arendal is managing the development of updated Integrated Enviromental Assessment guidelines for UN Environment
A concise, user-friendly publication showcases examples of green nudges that universities can implement on their campuses.
Improving the understanding of carbon sequestration and other ecosystem services that coastal and marine ecosystems provide in Abu Dhabi.
The Blue Solutions Initiative develops capacity and supports knowledge exchange on successful approaches to marine and coastal management.
Increasing resilience and adaptive capacity of mountain communities and ecosystems to climate change.
This project is providing maps and data to support marine spatial planning in the Pacific
An assessment of policy and investment options for reducing plastics into the marine environment in Pacific Island Countries (PICs)
Date and Time: Tuesday 28th June, 1:30 PM - 3:00 PM, GMT +1 (Lisbon)
The project Droughts in the Anthropocene will showcase and present selected case studies from around the world related to droughts and water
This questionnaire aims to understand your opinion on plastic/microplastic pollution in your marine ecosystem.
Support is being provided to the Tehran Convention Secretariat to contributes to peace and security in the Caspian region.
The Resilient Mountain Solutions (RMS) is an initiative developed and led by ICIMOD.
GRID-Arendal and partners have initiated a project to provide recommendations for how to better deliver on the climate agenda.
The Marine Debris Action Planner (MDAP) is a project funded by Innovation Norway in which GRID-Arendal and SALT are developing a service...
Every couple of years UN Environment takes the global environmental temperature.
A series of policy assessments for different global mountain regions is being produced by GRID-Arendal and UN Environment.
The objective of the Polaris program is to respond to the evolving demands for space-based monitoring of the Polar Regions
We coordinated development of a Rapid Response Assessment to assess critical research gaps related to Arctic coastal permafrost.
GRID-Arendal celebrates its 30th Anniversary on 13 August 2019 during Arendalsuka
A research project funded by the Norwegian Environment Agency (2017-2020) on climate adaptation, carbon capture and long-term storage.
Mountains cover 25 percent of the world’s land surface, and directly support 12 percent of the world’s population living within mountain...
ResponSEAble - Protecting the ocean: our collective responsibility, our common interest - Supporting the development of cost-effective ocean
The High Ambition Coalition (HAC) to End Plastic Pollution is committed to develop an ambitious international legally binding instrument...
This pilot project develops a shoreline map to define coastal areas with different likelihood of accumulating beach litter.
The Blue Forests Project is a global initiative focused on harnessing the values associated with coastal carbon and ecosystem services...
The practice of integrated environmental assessment (IEA) has evolved significantly since the last set of guidance which was developed by UN
100 African Voices Map and Documentary
We uncover the true facts behind these 10 Plastic Myths
The UNEP and GRID-Arendal invite you to participate in a survey to collect information on tackling marine litter and plastic pollution
The Global Tailings Portal is a public, searchable database with detailed information on more than 1,700 mine tailings dams around the world
Using cloud computing to analyse marine protected areas
PANORAMA is a global partnership initiative to document and promote examples of inspiring, replicable solutions across
GRID-Arendal’s Green Economy Programme supports UN Environment to meet policy, modelling, capacity building and reporting goals for its Green Economy work.
This project looking into the Science-Policy interface on plastic pollution in a partnership with the University of Wollongong.
GRID-Arendal and the University College London coordinate Many Strong Voices that brings together people from the Arctic and Small Island...
Reindeer herders are facing lost pastures and land fragmentation caused by industrial development and other land-use changes.
Aims to raise awareness & develop education activities for blue forests. Includes a digital learning platform & geo-referenced database.
Since 2006, GRID-Arendal has taken part in the annual celebration of Internasjonale Dager, a week-long event in late October...
HICAP is producing knowledge on how climate change affects natural resources, ecosystem services, and the communities that depend on them.
GRID-Arendal’s Waste and Marine Litter Program aims to produce a short film (15 minutes) about waste management in Africa.
GRID-Arendal is developing a Masters Programme in Holistic Ocean Management (HOME) with Agder University in Norway and NMMU in South Africa.
The Blue Guardians program is an international partnership to enhance climate resiliency for Small Island Developing States with a focus...