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This project aims to support countries most in need to undertake enabling activities that build their capacity to address plastic pollution, including in the marine environment, through the development and implementation of legal and collaborative frameworks and strategic planning.

The project aims to achieve strengthened country capacity for the identification of sources of plastic pollution and the development of action plans, and support for the development and implementation of an ambitious international legally binding instrument to address plastic pollution.


1. Countries supported to identify sources of plastic pollution and establish and/or advance NAPs to combat plastic pollution, including in the marine environment.

2. Governments trained to participate in the intergovernmental negotiating committee (INC) process or prepare for an ambitious outcome in the form of a future global instrument on plastic pollution, including in the marine environment.

3. Countries and stakeholders have access to information and good practices on combating plastic pollution, including in the marine environment, including implementation of life cycle and waste management strategies

Tags: marine litter waste plastic pollution global plastics treaty governance pollution treaty INC capacity building UNEP PCA

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