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About Elena van Doorn
Elena van Doorn
Project Communications Officer, Waste & Marine Litter
Phone: 989 07 217

As an environmental storyteller; I use communication tools to engage the public to the most pressing socio-environmental issues of today. In my free time I am mostly found adventuring in the outdoors, spending as much time as possible in the ocean and mountains.

At GRID-Arendal I work as a project communications officer within our Waste and Marine Litter team, working on communication strategy and implementation within our projects related to marine litter, circular economy and waste management; all aimed towards a planet free of pollution.

I was trained at the School of Journalism in Utrecht, The Netherlands. After working as a freelance journalist with regional and national media, I specialised in Sustainability Science at the University of Cape Town, South Africa. After completing my Master’s degree, I returned to The Netherlands where I worked with multiple social and environmental NGOs as a communications specialist. At WWF-Netherlands I focused on public and private sector partnership engagement and (major) donor fundraising.

Working on the science-policy interface is where I feel I have the most impact in working towards a just and nature-positive future.

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