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About Eirin Husabø
Eirin Husabø
Associate Expert, Waste and Marine Litter
Phone: +47 47 17 33 73

I have always had a strong passion for nature and how we interact with it. In 2015 I moved from Stavanger to Tromsø and earned a BSc in Environmental Management and Pollution Biology at The Arctic University of Norway sparking my interest in the field of Ecotoxicology. I further pursued a MSc in Marine Ecology focusing on pollution in the Arctic.

After graduation I had the opportunity to work for The Norwegian Polar Institute on trends of persistent organic pollutants (POPs) in wildlife from Svalbard. Summers spent in Ny-Ålesund being attacked by birds and almost eaten by polar bears allowed me to gain first-hand experience on how human activities affect wildlife and ecosystems even in remote areas such as the Arctic.

As an Associate Expert in the Waste and Marine Litter programme at GRID-Arendal, my role is to research and monitor marine litter through citizen science and support conducting surveys and mapping results on nature positive solutions for waste and plastic pollution.

I have spent many years playing professional volleyball but my interests are mainly set outdoors freediving and hiking. During winter backcountry skiing is what usually occupies my time.

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