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GRID-Arendal works on environmental and sustainability projects around the world. Use the filters to sort activities by type, partner, and more. 

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The African Marine Litter Outlook Pre-Publication Event

An online event to celebrate the pre-publication of the African Marine Litter outlook

In progress Waste & Marine Litter

Transboundary Governance

Strong governance of marine and terrestrial systems results in a healthy and productive natural environment.

In progress Transboundary Governance

Mami Wata

This project applies and develops capacity on Integrated Ocean Management in countries of the African Atlantic coast.

In progress Marine

Research to Inform Inclusive Management of the Cayar and Ufoyaal Kassa-Bandial MPAs in Senegal

The Cayal and Ufoyaal Kassa-Bandial marine protected areas (MPAs) were created in 2004 in the north and 2020 in the south of Senegal.

In progress Marine

Circular Economy on the African Continent

Working in collaboration with the African Circular Economy Network and Footprints Africa to fill the gap.

In progress Waste & Marine Litter

Rapid Response Assessments

This special series of reports fills the need for targeted and timely information about environmental challenges.

In progress Global

Blue Carbon in West Africa

This activity will develop a strategic blue carbon assessment for the West African region.

In progress Coastal Habitats

Vanishing Treasures programme

Globally, around one million plant and animal species are now threatened with extinction...

In progress Mountains

ResilienSEA – Resilient Seagrasses

The ResilienSEA project aims to enhance the scientific expertise and management of seagrass meadows in seven West Africa countries.

In progress Marine

Wastewater management and sanitation provision in Africa

Developing and disseminating knowledge towards enhancing wastewater management and sanitation service delivery in Africa.

In progress Waste & Marine Litter


The project delivers products of Earth Observation data to understand and monitor changes to ecosystems.

In progress Mountains

Vital Graphics

In order to inform environmental and development policy-making processes, UNEP keeps under review the state of the world environment.

In progress Global


The 9,500 km2 Namibian Islands’ Marine Protected Area (NIMPA) is an iconic area of outstanding marine biodiversity.

In progress Marine

AFRIPAC: Effective Capacity Building for Global Plastics Treaty in Africa

Aiming to empower 5 African nations to inform negotiations for the global plastics treaty by increasing knowledge, capacity & collaboration.

In progress Waste & Marine Litter

West Africa - Continuing extend continental shelves

This initiative builds on a 2014 joint submission to the UN to extend continental shelves beyond the current limit of 200 nautical miles.

In progress Global

Droughts in the Anthropocene

The project Droughts in the Anthropocene will showcase and present selected case studies from around the world related to droughts and water

Completed Global

Reclaim: Finding the heart of the circular economy

GRID-Arendal’s Waste and Marine Litter Program aims to produce a short film (15 minutes) about waste management in Africa.

Completed Waste & Marine Litter

100 African Voices

100 African Voices Map and Documentary

Completed Waste & Marine Litter

Sanitation and Wastewater Atlas of Africa Workshop

Completed Waste & Marine Litter

Mountain Outlook Series

A series of policy assessments for different global mountain regions is being produced by GRID-Arendal and UN Environment.

Completed Mountains

Transboundary WRM - Lake Victoria

The project will produce an Atlas of Lake Victoria’s Changing Environment, including training for local experts to create similar atlases

Completed Transboundary Governance

Many Strong Voices (MSV)

GRID-Arendal and the University College London coordinate Many Strong Voices that brings together people from the Arctic and Small Island...

Completed Global

UNEP Regional Seas

Support is being provided to the Tehran Convention Secretariat to contributes to peace and security in the Caspian region.

Completed Marine


Every couple of years UN Environment takes the global environmental temperature.

Completed Global

Blue Forests Project

The Blue Forests Project is a global initiative focused on harnessing the values associated with coastal carbon and ecosystem services...

Completed Coastal Habitats