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About Rob Barnes
Rob Barnes
Creative Lead
Phone: +47 373 217 97

For over 23 years I have been a noteworthy leader in the communications and outreach space. Some of my best work at GRID-Arendal has been leading the development of new media; pioneering web development, video production and graphic design during my 20 years residence at GRID-Arendal.

I can be credited with contributions to scientific reports and activities, connecting change makers to environmental knowledge through taking pictures and shooting video, in what has been sometimes, hard to access places. I am an expert in the development and generation of ideas, continuously searching for improved communication approaches and methods to achieve our goals as an organisation.

I currently live in Norway with my wonderful wife and children, when that’s not keeping me busy, in my spare time you will find me preparing creations in the kitchen or occupying myself with whatever tech and gadgets I can get my hands on.

In my current role as Senior Outreach Coordinator, I am fortunate enough to generate innovative ideas and concepts for a variety of different activities and events, together with GRID-Arendal´s expert project managers, to increase the impact of our communication products.

I pride myself in having a creative vision and ideas for outreach that consider the client/donor requirements, marketing initiatives, strategic positioning, and our target audience.

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