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About Remco Lameijer
Remco Lameijer
Associate Expert

I was born and raised in the Netherlands. Living below sea level, protected by human-made structures, has given me a fascination with the way we interact with nature and inspired me to earn a degree in Earth Science and Economics. After this, I turned my focus towards on studying the sea, and earned a Master’s in Marine Biological Resources.

I see myself as somewhat of a Jack-of-all-trades; I love learning new things, and often spend a lot of time trying out new interests. Because of this, I have a broad working experience with GIS, coding (R/Python), graphic design, and putting together IKEA furniture without a manual. Other interests of mine are music, motorcycles, and I get most excited about cartoons and animation. At GRID-Arendal, I get to work with many of these interests, while working on important and exciting topics.

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