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What Causes the Sea Level to Change?

A significant sea level rise is one of the major anticipated consequences of climate change. This graphic explains the causes of sea level change according to the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC). It explains the IPCC's A1 scenario family, which consists of three scenarios on future use of fossil energy sources, including scenario A1F1, which involves the use of fossil-intensive energy sources. This resource also includes the graphic 'Components of Mean Sea Level Rise for the Scenario A1F1' which shows the projected sea level rise in metres by 2050 and by 2100 for Greenland, glaciers, expansion, the Antarctic, and the total sea level rise.

Year: 2005

From collection: Vital Water Graphics

Cartographer: Philippe Rekacewicz, Delphine Digout, UNEP/GRID-Arendal

Tags: graphicsmaps recoursces!

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