The Fortifer production plant in Tema and the Safi Sana production plant in Ashiaman, Ghana, are examples of non-sewered wastewater that is recycled for agriculture or energy. Both examples involve a public-private partnership arrangement. Jekora Ventures converts faecal sludge into compost fertilizer called Fortifer. The production process, which was developed by IWMI, does not demand sophisticated technology. Rather, sufficient space is needed for faecal sludge drying beds and heap composting. Electricity supply is only needed for the post-processing of the compost, if desired. The compost obtained at this plant contains both nutrients and organic matter, which are essential for plant growth and soil health. The compost can be processed further through pelletization and/or enrichment, which increases its quality and market value.
Year: 2020
From collection: Sanitation and Wastewater Atlas of Africa - Circular Economy
GRID-Arendal/Studio Atlantis