Trachoma is a bacterial eye infection that is responsible for vision impairment in about 1.9 million people globally (WHO 2018d). The global trend of vision impairment from the disease has fallen rapidly due to a concerted eradication programme, although Africa remains the most affected region, with the endemic disease evident in 26 countries (WHO 2018d; Herricks et al. 2017). The disease typically infects children, but without treatment the most serious impacts begin around 30 years of age for both men and women, with women losing vision at a higher rate. The bacteria are present
in discharge from the eyes and nose of infected people and are easily spread via hands, cloths and insects. Its transmission can be halted by treating the infection with antibiotics and through improved access to water for facewashing (Nwabor et al. 2016).
Year: 2020
From collection: Sanitation and Wastewater Atlas of Africa - Human Health