Blue Finance
This project will continue to assist with the communication needs and expert advice needed by Blue Solutions.
This project will continue to assist with the communication needs and expert advice needed by Blue Solutions.
Marine litter is everywhere and unfortunately, the Arctic Ocean is no exception.
This special series of reports fills the need for targeted and timely information about environmental challenges.
Enhancing governments’ presence at sea through the provision of low-cost intelligent technological solutions and local capacity building.
Norwegian Infrastructure for Drone-based research, mapping and monitoring in the coastal zone
Preventing plastic in Nepal rivers by strengthening the informal sector
Supporting the Interim Secretariat with the implementation of the Convention Program of Work and the organization of COP6.
The network’s goal is to advance the blue forest approach in addressing climate change and meeting the SDGs
A Rapid Response Assessment to support the Global Peatlands Initiative.
In order to inform environmental and development policy-making processes, UNEP keeps under review the state of the world environment.
The goal of the project is to strengthen knowledge management capacity and promote scaled-up learning of disseminated experiences...
The project highlights both the challenges and the solutions for sound waste management in mountain regions.
Developing and disseminating knowledge towards enhancing wastewater management and sanitation service delivery in Africa.
Every couple of years UN Environment takes the global environmental temperature.
A series of policy assessments for different global mountain regions is being produced by GRID-Arendal and UN Environment.
The project Droughts in the Anthropocene will showcase and present selected case studies from around the world related to droughts and water
Mountains cover 25 percent of the world’s land surface, and directly support 12 percent of the world’s population living within mountain...
HICAP is producing knowledge on how climate change affects natural resources, ecosystem services, and the communities that depend on them.
ResponSEAble - Protecting the ocean: our collective responsibility, our common interest - Supporting the development of cost-effective ocean