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About Alicia Medina Villanueva
Alicia Medina Villanueva
Phone: +49 173 8610696

My Internship with GRID-Arendal has unfortunately come to an end please feel free to contact me on my email address above or contact Luana Karvel for my forwarding contact details.

Ever since I can remember, I always felt very passionate about the protection of the environment and felt that it was my responsibility to share my passion with my community.

I am currently studying Public Relations and Corporate Communications at the University of Applied Sciences in Kiel, Germany. My wish is to make use of my communication skills and of my knowledge about the different channels in which organizations can reach the public, for raising awareness about important environmental issues and make positive changes in the world.

Within my internship at GRID-Arendal, I am working as a communications officer for the Blue Forests Project. I am especially interested in this project not only because of the big importance that maritime ecosystems have on our planet but also because this project has partners in different places including my home country Ecuador, and I am happy to contribute in some way with the development of my country.

During my spare time, I enjoy being outside hiking or jogging. I also love to cook and bake for my family and friends. Finally, I have to say that one of the greatest joys for me is to travel and meet people with different cultural backgrounds and views of the world. That is something that definitely enriches my life and helps me see the world from new perspectives.

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