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About Guendalina De Luigi
Guendalina De Luigi
Expert Communications Officer
Phone: +47 404 11 586

I’m a communications graduate with an international background: coming from Italy, growing up in Norway with a quick stop in Libya, and completing my studies in the UK and Japan.  As early as I can remember, I’ve been reading anything I could get my hands on. It was only natural to turn to writing.

I started at GRID-Arendal during the COVID-19 pandemic, further strengthening my resolve to combat misinformation and provide clear fact-based reports for an international audience. I believe that one of the greatest barriers to understanding science and what is happening to our planet is the presentation of data and the language used. My ultimate goal is to make information easy to understand and accessible to all.

I hold a BA in Japanese Studies from SOAS, University of London, and a MA in International Culture and Communication Studies from Waseda University, Tokyo. My thesis focused on historical changes in newspapers’ earthquake reporting, both in Japan and Italy. In my free time I enjoy traveling and games with friends, crochet, cycling, cooking, and spending time with my cat Lia.

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