The Regional Impacts of Climate Change

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Figure B-1: Difference between averages at time of CO2 doubling and control run averages (CO2-Control) and difference between control run averages and observed averages (Control-Observed) as simulated by nine AOGCM runs over seven regions. Units are �C for temperature and percentage of control run, or observed, averages for precipitation. In (f) and (h), values in excess of 200% have been reported at the top end of the vertical scale. In (e), values in excess of 60% have been reported at the top end of the vertical scale. Winter averages are for December-January-February (DJF) for Northern Hemisphere regions, and June-July-August (JJA) for Australia; summer averages are for JJA for the Northern Hemisphere, and DJF for Australia. See Kittel et al. (1997) for further details.

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